How to Understand the Cuban Missile Crisis

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There are numerous references to deeply study that crisis, happened in 1962. This is a brief introduction.


  1. Look at the map of the World to spot locations of Cuba with respect to USA and Turkey with respect to former Soviet Union, or roughly today Russia.
  2. Learn who were John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, and Fidel Castro as the leaders of USA, Soviet Union, and Cuba at the time of crisis.

  1. Have a look at the meaning of the capitalism and communism and the debate between them.
  2. Study a couple of pages about the events happened from 1950 to 1960 in Cuba.
  3. Learn in simple words what is a ballistic missile and its significance when carrying a nuclear weapon.
  4. Consider that the time between spotting a ballistic missile and its impact with its target is very short and if fired from a nearer place becomes more disastrous in its consequences.
  5. Borrow its DVD and watch the movie "Doctor Strange Love" featuring Peter Sellers for familiarity with a fictional but almost good simulation of a USA-Soviet encounter.
  6. Learn about mutual negotiation on removing Soviets missiles from Cuba in exchange of removal of USA missiles from Turkey, that ended crisis peacefully.