When you are creating a work on your computer, such as a homework, a dissertation, or an article and save it on a storage media, you know that the losing of that file due to breakage, theft, or accidental loss of the storing media could be very disastrous. Repeated advice of computer experts is, "backup, and backup!" There are numerous ways of backing up the files; one is using the free Windows Live SkyDrive.
You need to have a Windows Live Hotmail account, which can be acquired free.
Log into the acquired account.
At the top you will find a set of options; as shown in the figure.Windows Live Options
Click on the SkyDrive option. You can see a "create" options at the top. You have different choices. For purpose of this article select either "Create Folder" circled red, or "Add files" circled blue. It is always better to create purposed folders to keep things organized and separate. Create a Folder
Choose a NameIn the next dialogue it is necessary to choose a name for your new folder.
Your Folder's NameGenerally, as a good habit, it is advised to use a name without blank space or special characters in it. Still, you can name the folder on your own way.
Share OptionsDecide on Sharing: By default your created folder is privately accessible only by you; however, you can share it with different levels of sharing. Click on "Change." After deciding on the sharing, please click on "Next."
Add FilesAdd files from your computer to the SkyDrive space.
Select, Drag, and DropYou can do it by "browsing" or "drag and drop." You can do it one by one or selecting a bunch of files and dragging them into the space and dropping there. In the figure all files are selected to drag and drop into the provided space.
Error FileSome files have error messages since they cannot be saved on the SkyDrive; for example, the file size is zero bytes.
Please remove these by clicking on "View error."Remove Error
Backup finishedClick on "Continue." Your folder is backed up on the SkyDrive. Figure shows part of the folder.
Like all the new technologies there are many features available. For instance, you can synchronize your related on-going work on your PC with the backup folders on the SkyDrive.
You can backup up to 25GB on the SkyDrive.
Be alerted with an important on-going work that you have in hands. That means, "Back it up and back it up!"