Please note: Software of this page remains your original file un-touched.
Merge Tab : (please click) Merge Tab.
Feature Tab : (please click) Feature Tab.
Split Tab : (please click) Split Tab.
Water mark Tab : (please click) Text Water mark Pane.
Water mark Tab : (please click) Image Water mark Pane.
Water mark Tab : (please click) Image Water mark Pane: using a batch file to locate watermark images.
Water mark Tab : (please click) Further Features Pane.
Download the software from the download (click) page.
As it is customary in modern software, the title bar disappears. On moving the mouse to the top of GUI, it appears again.
Use Brows button to go to the directory you have kept your PDF documents to be merged.
Brows again and again if you have some files in other directories that should be participated.
You might like to drag and drop files in the list area, instead of browsing.
If you are using drag and drop then become sure that you will use also the "Save As" button for the selection of a name for the resulting merged file. This is necessary for operating system to sense the drag and drop is validated.
Sometimes you need to merge only part of a documents to be merged with other items. In such cases, select any file, by clicking on that file. Right Click on the selected file to enter pages of the file you need to be participated in the merge.
If you need other parts of the same file, too, then you have to drag and drop that file again, as many times as you need.
It is interesting that if you remove all files and only keep one. Then select certain desired pages of the remained document and click on "Merge Files." Those selected pages will be split from the document as a separate document. Your original file remains untouched. For more split options use Split tab.
Remove those files you do not like to participate, using the "Remove" button
Rearrange your files according to your desired sorting order for merging files, using "Move up" and "Move down" buttons.
If you need to remove bookmark from certain participating files click on those files one by one and then click on "No Bookmark" button
Use "Save as" button to choose a name and a directory for your resulting merged files.
If you forget to use "Save As" button, then your merged file will be named as "Your_Merged_File" file and will be sent to the last directory that you have opened for participating files.
If you like to remove bookmark from all participating files, then click on "No Bookmark" radio button
If you like to add file name of participating files as a bookmark to your resulting file, then click on "Add File Name" radio button.
Click on "Merge Files" to begin merging operation.
Additionally, you can use a text file as compilation of paths to your PDF documents and instead of "Brows" use the "Get Batch" button.
Please read the following "How To" to learn about it.
Software is busy
If you have participated large files, say, near to 1000MB (1GB) then it may take several minutes to finish the job.
In such cases you should have proportionate Java Run Time memory.
Java Run Time memory is a temporary usage of your RAMs during running any Java application such as this.
If you receive any message from Java Run Time regarding "Not enough memory" or "java memory heap", such things, then you need to Increase your Java memory as described in this wikiHow : How to Increase Java Memory in Windows
Job's done.
To enable any function, First you need brows and select your target file
There is no need to select any name for the altered file. Software put the altered file next to your original with a _Zx added to its name.
_Zx for "Resize" becomes ZS, _Zx for "Re Zoom" becomes _Zoom, _Zx for "Rotate" becomes _ZR, _Zx for "Page Number/header/footer" becomes _Zp.
Alternatively, you can use "Save As" button to choose your desired file names.
You might like to use page numbering section to add page numbering at the top (by clicking on "Top" radio button) or bottom (by leaving the "Top" radio button un-clicked) for an existing PDF.
You can put a line at the top (by clicking on both of "Top" and "Ruled" radio buttons) or bottom (by leaving the "Top" radio button un-clicked and "Ruled" radio button clicked) for your existing PDF file
Select position of added text as "centre," or "right on odd pages left on even pages" and so on from the first (position) drop down menu.
Select one of the software formats from the second (format) drop-down menu as "Page x of total y" pages etc. Selecting one of these disables the custom "Odd" - "Even" text fields.
Select font family, font style and font size and colour of your page number/header/footer.
If you leave the format drop-down menu "As is" then you can use custom header/footer at the selected positions (centre, right-left, etc.) of each odd and even page.
Type in the "Odd" and "Even" text fields after filling each field click on return (enter) button.
After finishing the job, click on "Do it!" button.
Run the software twice or more if you choose to have both custom header/footer and pre-defined page numbering. In this case you do not need to close the software and open it. Just brows to the result of previous operation and do a new job on it.
Please have a look at some results.
To enable any function, First you need brows and select your target file.
There is no need to select any name for the altered file. Software put the altered file next to your original with a _Zx added to its name.
_Zx for "text water mark" becomes ZWt, _Zx for "image watermark" becomes _ZWi, _Zx for "Layer (One Over One in Extras)" becomes _ZL.
If you like you can use "Save As" button to choose your desired saving name.
Some PDF documents are opaque on creating them. These include PDF files created by Google docs, probably Open Office, conversions by commercial on-line converters, and so on. For this type of documents an under-layer book mark will appear invisible. Such an invisible book mark is usable for hiding web addresses or any other usages.
If you like your water marks to be visible, then do not forget to click on "Over-layer" button for such opaque documents. Default of the software is under-layer. You can adjust the transparency of the water marking text in the next dialog after clicking on the "Watermark" button.
Click on "Water mark" button to bring "watermark dialog" on. A preview of your original file could be seen.
On the dialog, decide if you like one and the same text for all pages by clicking on "For All" button. Otherwise you can create different water mark schemes on different pages.
If you are deciding that put the same or different water mark(s) on certain pages then you need to configure each page separately by clicking on ">"
Only after filling the "Text Field" with the water mark text and pressing the "Return" (↲) key on the keyboard of your computer you can activate mouse "Get Mouse" button on the desired page of your file.
If you put the Opacity equal to zero (default is 0.50), your text comes as invisible.
You need to double-click on the point where you like to put your text as water mark. Then mouse jumps by itself on "Preview" button.
Click on the preview button to accept the job or dismiss and revise your work.
You can have your watermark text in more than one line. In such a case, enter \\ at the end of each preceding line. For example, Dysprosium :\\Hello\\This\\World!
To enable any function, First you need brows and select your target file.
There is no need to select any name for the altered file. Software put the altered file next to your original with a _Zx added to its name.
_Zx for "text water mark" becomes ZWt, _Zx for "image watermark" becomes _ZWi, _Zx for "Layer (One Over One in Extras)" becomes _ZL.
If you like you can use "Save As" button to choose your desired saving name.
After opening the image water mark tool, please click on "Get Next" button to brows to and get your watermark image.
Adjust parameters of image as you need such as scale, angle, opacity, etc. If you put the "Opacity" equal to zero (default is 0.50), your image comes as invisible.
Click on "Get Mouse" button and select the point that you like your image to be appear. That point will put the bottom left your image. You need to double click on that point to confirm it. Then click on preview button.
Please note that in "Preview" view the opacity of image cannot be rendered. (It is due to the fact that there is no free open source renderer available to make it possible. Work is underway to achieve this.)
If you click on "Accept" button, then your file be watermarked with desired opacity.
Please look at this "Fit to Width" and "For All" pages watermarked document.
Please read the following "How To" to learn more about it.
Now click on the "Get Batch" button. Brows to place that you have saved your "mybatch.txt" file and select and open it. The first image appears in place of "Phoenix" image. Make adjustment on this such as opacity, angle and scale.
All these adjustments will equally be applied to all the batch. You cannot customise each image separately when you are using a batch file for water-marks; if you want separate configuration, you need to use "Get Next" feature from the beginning.
If you click on "One Over One" radio button, then you need to brows for the second file by clicking on "Get Second" button. Second pdf file will come as background water mark to the first and will be save by your already chosen "Save As" name or by default automatic name of software.
Click on "Do It!" button to finish the Job.
As usual you can adjust parameters of watermark such as scale, fit to width, opacity (default is 0.50) and angle, beforehand.
To use "PDF->Image" button please "right" click on it. Select any file format. Jpeg format will not be rendered satisfactorily due to standards for compressed files. But other formats, GIF and PNG has no such limitation. Please test for your requirements.
Result of a seventeen-page PDF can be seen. Images go to the directory of "Save As" or the default directory of original file.
Please have a look at the image of the first page.
Conversion to "tiff" and "bmp" is subject to installation of "Java Advanced Imaging" JRE on your system which is not recommended for the most users.
To convert your image to pdf, brows for any arbitrary PDF file (that file will not participate in any operation but it only activates the "Image->" button).
Adjust how your image would change to PDF, in terms of scale, opacity, angle, etc.
Right click on "Image->PDF" button to select converting a single picture or an album of pictures in a directory
After selection it browses to your image folder. Selecting any image file for "Album" option converts all those files into the PDF files with the similar names but with ".pdf" extension.
On opening the image you do not need to do anything. For the "Single" option, the created PDF would appear in the same directory or "Save As" directory you already chose.
"Slice" option opens the slicing dialogue where you can decide how you like a large image to be sliced for printing, when you cut image of a poster in printable pieces with desired margin and overlap.
Result comes into one PDF file.
This page is maintained by Peter Jones, a Welsh mariner
No table is used in layout of this page; only Div tags.
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10:20 01/06/2010
18:40 21/11/2013
18:35 21/11/2013
10:05 23/08/2016
exceeds 60,000